Replace Filament

Model [] Hylo.01
Category [ ] Installation [] Operation [ ] Maintenance


The procedure that follows gives instructions on how to replace filament on the AON3D Hylo machine.

Estimated time: 15 minutes


Qty Description Specification
1 Wire Cutters N/A

Parts Information

Qty Part Number Description
A/R Filament, Roll of N/A

Reach out to our Customer Success team at to purchase rolls of filament.

Personal Protective Equipment

Qty Description Minimum Specification
1 Safety Eyewear ANSI/ISEA Z87.1

Remove Filament

  1. Use the Graphical User Interface (GUI), or web browser, to heat the toolhead(s) to the extrusion target temperature for the material to be removed.
  2. Make sure the hot end is at the correct target temperature.
  3. Navigate to the Filament tab select the filament bay and press UNLOAD. Follow the instruction on the GUI to remove the filament from the machine.
  4. Open the filament drawer.
  5. Raise the spool holder arm into loading position.
  6. Remove the spool from the spool cradle.

Prepare Filament

  1. Unpack the spool of filament.
  2. Dry the filament, if required.
  3. Remove the end of the filament from the spool.

    Make sure that filament is unrolled from spool without tangles. Filament tangles will cause extruder(s) to jam, cause print failure, and/or cause damages to machine component(s).

  4. Use the wire cutter to cut a 45-degree angle at the end of the filament. Cut Filament for Entry

Load Filament

Use a different hot end for low-temperature and high-temperature materials. If not possible, use polycarbonate filament as transition material to purge the hot end when switching from low to high temperatures material or from high to low temperature materials. Failure to follow instruction may result in permanent nozzle clog or leak.

For larger spools that requires the use of two filament bays, fold the two spool holder arms down before installing the spool.

  1. Open the filament drawer.
  2. Raise the spool holder arm into loading position.
  3. Install the filament onto the spool cradle.
  4. Make sure the spool is oriented in a way the filament unreels from the top of the spool. Filament Orientation
  5. Lower the spool holder arm on the spool
  6. Pass the filament through the spool holder arm opening.
  7. Insert filament inside the filament detector until the motor of the feed assist mechanism activates.
  8. Close the drawer.
  9. On the Graphical User Interface (GUI), navigate to the Filament tab select the filament bay and press FEED TO TOOL to load filament inside the hot end.
  10. Follow the instructions shown on the GUI.

Last modified: July 10, 2024