G-Codes Detailed References

For information on M-codes, refer to M-Codes Detailed References guide.

Software Requirements

The guide that follows shows the improvements added in software application v21.

Use the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/web browser to confirm the software version that is installed on your AON3D machine:

  1. Select Settings > Updates.

If your machine does not have the latest software version, refer to the Software Update procedure.

G-Code Commands

G0/G1 - Linear Movement

The G0 is a linear rapid positioning interpolation movement between two points that does not need the input of a feed rate ([Fnnn]).

  • The G0 command can be used for the XYZ-axes.
  • The G0 is a modal (once the command is entered, it stays in control) command.

The G1 command performs a linear interpolation movement between two points at a specified feed rate ([Fnnn]).

  • The G1 command can be used for the XYZ-axes and the two extruders.
  • The G1 is a modal (once the command is entered, it stays in control) command.
  • The G1 command needs the input of a feed rate (F).

If a feed rate is not entered, the software will use the last feed rate used in the program.

G0 and G1 commands are interpreted in absolute (default) or in relative positioning. Refer to G90, G91, M82 and M83.


G1 [Xnnn] [Ynnn] [Znnn] [Ennn] [Fnnn]
Parameter Description Limit(s) Default Setting
[Xnnn] The nnn is a coordinate point on the X-axis. T0: -88 mm to 450 mm, T1: 0 to 526 mm plus the M218 X-axis offset. Current position on the X-axis.
[Ynnn] The nnn is a coordinate point on the Y-axis. -42 mm to 450 mm Current position on the Y-axis.
[Znnn] The nnn is a coordinate point on the Z-axis. AON M2+: 0 to 565 mm. AON-M2/AON-M2 2020: 0 to 620 mm. Current position on the Z-axis.
[Ennn] The nnn is how much filament (mm) to extrude when a linear move is made. None Current position is no filament extrusion.
[Fnnn] The nnn is the feed rate (mm/min). Limited to minimum feed rate when extruding (M205 S). Minimum travel feed rate when jogging (M205 T) and to the maximum feed rate of the slowest co-ordinate or extrusion speed (M203). Last value used. If not entered, 1500 mm/min is used.


Command Description
G1 X50.2 Y10.7 E2.6 F1800 Moves the X-axis to 50.2 mm, the Y-axis to 10.7 mm at a speed of 1800 mm/min and a quantity of 2.6 mm of filament is extruded.

G4 - Dwell

The G4 command makes a linear movement pause for a specified period of time in seconds (or milliseconds) before the next G-code command is read.


G4 [Snnn] [Pnnn]
Parameter Description Limit(s) Default Setting
[Snnn] The nnn is the number of seconds to pause. 0 to 86400 seconds. None.
[Pnnn] The nnn is the number of milliseconds to pause. 0 to 86400000 seconds. None.

If the P and the S have values on the same command line, the two parameters are summed to one value. Limited from 0 to 1800000 seconds.


Command Description
G4 S60 Waits for one minute before the next command is read.
G4 P1000 Waits for one second before the next command is read.
G4 S60 P1000 Waits for one minute (S60 ) and one second (P1000) before the next command is read.

G28 - Home Axes

  • The G28 command homes a specified axis, or all axes, in a G0 rapid motion.
  • When no axis(es) is(are) specified, the use of a G28 command will home the XYZ-axes.

The use of G28 X Z and G28 Y Z are not supported as their use can cause toolhead collision(s).


G28 [X] [Y] [Z]
Parameter Description
[X] Home the X-axis.
[Y] Home the Y-axis.
[Z] Home the Z-axis.


Command Description Note
G28 X Y Homes the X/Y-axes. The X/Y-axes move at the same time.
G28 Homes the XYZ-axes. The XYZ-axes move at the same time.

G29 - Auto Bed Leveling

The G29 command starts the auto bed leveling procedure with the selected toolhead probe as follows:

  1. Automatically homes the X/Y-axes before the build platform is probed. Only homes the Z-axis if the machine has not been homed in the Z-axis.
  2. Probes the build platform with a multi-point grid.
  3. The selected toolhead moves to the front and center of the probed area.

Do not probe the outside limits of the build platform. This can cause damage to machine component(s). The probe grid limits the range from 0 mm to 450 mm on the X/Y-axes. The user can edit the probe grid to make it smaller, if necessary.

After the probe procedure has been completed, the user must make sure that the nozzle does not touch the build surface. Adjustments can be made with the use of the M290 command.

This command is only available on Marlin-based firmware.


All parameters are optional.

G29 [Snnn] [Fnnn] [Bnnn] [Lnnn] [Rnnn] [Tnnn] [Xnnn] [Ynnn]
Parameter Description Limit(s) Default Setting
[Snnn] Set nnn as the X/Y-axes travel speed (mm/min) between the probe points. Minimum travel feed rate when jogging (M205 T) and to the maximum feed rate of the slowest axis between X/Y-axes (M203). 30000 mm/min
[Fnnn] Set nnn as the FRONT limit (mm) of the probe grid. Zero to 420 mm (must be less than Bnnn minus 30 mm). 35 mm
[Bnnn] Set nnn as the REAR limit (mm) of the probe grid. 30 mm to 450 mm (must be greater than Fnnn plus 30 mm). 415 mm
[Lnnn] Set nnn as the LEFT limit (mm) of the probe grid. Zero to 420 mm (must be less than Rnnn minus 30 mm). 35 mm
[Rnnn] Set nnn as the RIGHT limit (mm) of the probe grid. 30 mm to 450 mm (must be greater than Lnnn plus 30 mm). 415 mm
[Tnnn] Set nnn as the maximum toolhead temperature in degrees Celsius (°C). 500°C maximum. 200°C
[Xnnn] Set nnn as the number of probe points along the X-axis. 3 to 8 probe points. 8 probe points.
[Ynnn] Set nnn as the number of probe points along the Y-axis. 3 to 8 probe points. 8 probe points.

G90 - Absolute Positioning

The G90 command sets the G-code interpretation to absolute positioning (the axis movement is calculated from the point of origin (0,0)).

G91 - Relative Positioning

The G91 command sets the G-code interpretation to relative positioning (the axis movement is calculated from the last known position in coordinate space).

G92 - Set Position

The G92 command manually sets the current position to the specified values.


G92 [Ennn]
Parameter Description
[Ennn] Where nnn is the extruder position (mm).


Command Description
G92 E0 Sets the current known position of the left extruder to zero.

T0/T1 - Select Active Toolhead

The T0/T1 commands changes the selected toolhead. The initial toolhead moves back to its parked position, and enables the new toolhead mesh and Z-axis offset.

When the machine is viewed from the front, the left toolhead is T0 and the right toolhead is T1.


Parameter Description
[Tx] Where x is the numerical value for the selected toolhead.


Command Description Note
T1 Changes the toolhead to T1. If the selected toolhead was already set at T1, the T1 command is ignored.

Last modified: March 7, 2024