Quick Start Guide

The following guide provides a high-level order of operations to ensure ongoing success with the Hylo™ machines. Make sure that all linked articles are read in their entirety as this section is only meant to serve as a quick start overview.

1. Basic System Setup and Preparation

1.1. Load G-Code File

Refer to the Upload File procedure.

1.2. Clean the Machine

  1. Make sure that the machine is clean and that there is no unwanted material(s) on the vacuum chuck, vacuum chuck edge seals and at the bottom of the chamber.
  2. Make sure that the nozzle is clean.
  3. Make sure that the print surface is clean and free of solvents and/or unwanted materials.

Do not use compressed air to clean the machine component(s) unless otherwise specified. The use of compressed air can cause damages to machine component(s).

Make sure that there is no material residue between the vacuum chuck edge seals and the chamber walls. Unwanted material may get caught in between the two edge seals and can cause damages to machine component(s) when using different temperature ranges.

1.3. Prepare Hot End

  1. Install the hotend on the toolhead assembly that has a nozzle size that matches the print profile. Refer to Replace Hotend.
  2. Make sure the nozzle is clean:
    1. On the graphical user interface (GUI), navigate to the Home tab.
    2. Select CLEAN POSITION
    3. Make sure the nozzle if free of debris. Use a wire brush to clean the nozzle if necessary.

1.4. Load/Replace Filament

Make sure there is sufficient filament on the spool before a print is started. PrusaSlicer gives an estimate on the weight of filament necessary for each part in the G-Code viewer. To calculate the weight of filament necessary:

  1. Weigh the spool of filament to be used.
  2. Subtract the weight of an empty spool from the weight of the spool of filament to be used.
  3. Compare the above results to the estimated weight in the slicer.
  4. Refer to the Replace Filament procedure.

1.5. Prepare the Build Platform

1.5.1. Select the Build Platform

Refer to the Validated Material table to determine a compatible build platform.

The Nano Polymer Adhesive can be applied to increase build platform adhesion. Refer to table on the Validated Materials page to confirm if the Nano Polymer Adhesive is required.

1.5.2. Install Build Platform Start Vacuum Bed Feature

The build platform must be correctly installed to get satisfactory print results.
Refer to the Install Build Platform procedure.

1.6. Preheat Machine Components

1.6.1. Preheat Build Chamber and Bed

  1. Select Files
  2. Select the filename to print.
  3. Select PREHEAT.

1.6.2. Wait for Thermal Equilibrium (Heat Soak)

  1. Wait for thermal equilibrium
    1. Wait for 90 minutes for low-temperature materials
    2. Wait for 120 minutes for high-temperature materials.

2. Calibration

2.1. Calibrate the Z-Axis

AON3D recommends calibrating the Z-axis after a change:

  • in thermal conditions;
  • in build platform;
  • in hot ends.
  1. Navigate to the Z Calibration tab.
  2. Select CALIBRATE.
  3. Wait for the probing sequence to complete.

Completing the probing sequence will erase the previous Z-axis offset value.

2.2. Evaluate the First Layer and Adjust Z-Axis Offset

  1. Print a calibration square that is one layer high.
  2. Remove the part from the build platform.
  3. Make sure that the quality of the first layer height is correct before a print can continue.
  4. The Z-axis offset calibration can be adjusted in minute increments to help get the correct first layer:
  5. Select the Calibration tab.
  6. Under Bed Mesh select 0.2, 0.1 or 0.05 mm increment.
  7. Under Bed Mesh, select UP or DOWN to adjust the distance between the build platform and the nozzle.
    1. Select UP to increase the offset between the build plate and the nozzle.
    2. Select DOWN to decrease the offset between the build plate and the nozzle.
  8. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until the desired Z-axis offset is achieved.
  9. Optional: Repeat steps 1 to 5 for the adjacent tool. If a print uses the two toolheads for the same print, both toolheads must be calibrated.

2.3. Calibrate X/Y Toolhead Offsets

If a print uses the two toolheads for the same print, the toolheads must be calibrated along the X/Y-axes before a print is started. The X/Y-axes calibration procedure adjusts the coordinate system of the two toolheads to be in line with each other.

The inspection drawer components overheat if left at chamber temperature over 80°C for extended period of time. The drawer will close automatically 120 seconds after opening to prevent overheating when chamber temperature is over 80°C.

  1. Navigate to the Calibration tab.
  2. Select START XY OFFSET.
  3. Use the distance adjustment buttons to center the nozzle to the crosshair.
  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with the adjacent toolhead.
  6. Select SAVE OFFSET.

3. Run the G-Code

3.1. Start the Print

  1. On the GUI/web browser, select Files.
  2. Select BASIS for G-codes that have been imported in Basis.
  3. Select LOCAL STORAGE for G-codes that have been uploaded to the machine directly using the web browser.
  4. Select the filename to print.
  5. Select PRINT on the file to print.
  6. Select PRINT to confirm.

Last modified: July 9, 2024