Expert Tab

The Expert tab allows the user to fine-tunes the Z calibration for advanced printing.

Expert Tab

  1. Intro
  2. Shim tools
  3. Level Vacuum Chuck
  4. Start

The Expert tab is for advanced users only and is to be used at your own risk. As such, it is not officially supported by AON3D. AON3D is not responsible for any damage caused to the machine while using this experimental mode. Results may vary depending on filament type and geometry.


Informs the user of the expert calibration procedure requirements.

Shim tools

Starts a probing sequence to determine the height of the printed shim to be added to T0 or T1.

Level Vacuum Chuck

Starts a probing sequence to calculate the number of turns to be made to the leveling screws under the bed.


Select START to start the Expert calibration procedure.

Last modified: April 9, 2024